Music as you may know is a big part of my life. In the past few years especially I have consciously/sub-consciously tried/failed/succeeded many/very few times to create/understand/replicate/modify/manipulate/control/innovate classic/contemporary forms of music. The results of which have been disastrous/astounding/enriching.
I would be inclined to think now, that music is an integral bit of everyone’s lives, whether they know it or not. Whether they try and incorporate some element of it into their lives. I can see an image of a corporate head going for a jam with friends after work. Or perhaps and a woman who finally buys herself the piano that she’s being putting of for so long, just to finally immerse herself into this new world of melody. Or maybe it’s the countless number of people putting their headphones on every time they step out of the house. Whatever it is, people are doing it, and if you’re not, you’ve got to try.
As I was aimlessly driving through the internet in my Powerbook G4 (Something I seem to be doing too much of lately* ) I stumbled upon a certain group of unlikely musicians, The Rock-Bottom Remainders; who were doing exactly what I thought people were doing. Random men and women who strum guitar and play music in general at a very basic level, had come together to jam-up and enjoy each others company and just play some simple songs to break away from their regular lives. More and more people like the afore-mentioned are finding music to be that one thing that they can use to colour their lives. The band I’m talking about have taken regular jamming to another level and has sort of an elite membership: Dave Barry, Stephen King, Amy Tan, Maya Angelou, Mitch Albom and Matt Groening to name a few. These very successful and powerful writers put down their pens and meet once a year to jam up for charity and the really cool thing is that they really know that they aren’t good at music so there’s always an endless supply of witty jokes about how bad they are:
"We play music as well as Metallic writes novels." -Dave Barry
"People are throwing panties at you. They certainly never do that at my book-signings." -Matt Groening
The point is that while this rock n’ roll band of published authors aren’t very good, they still go at it and have been at it since 1992. And also they are a hilarious bunch of people, so you should check them out for sure.
Music is for everyone and only you. You should first and foremost, feel the effects of the guitar in your hands while you strum it. You should get the feel of what John Mayer is saying when you buy his CD. Another super example of what I’m talking about is how my friend and I formed a band way back in 2008. We’re not too good, but I can speak for both of us when I say, I think we RULE. I enjoy cause I can experiment with new ideas in this relatively pure acoustic-one-woman-managed band but mostly I enjoy cause I get to watch a not that great singer pull out all stops and just sing his heart out. And I realized that much later until we were too busy to meet up let alone jam up. He may very well be the funniest guy I know and we connect on some kind of supreme level, and for that I miss him, and hope he accepts my heartfelt apology for bumming him out all too recently.
Please do yourself a favour and get out there. Buy a Karaoke machine. Or a violin. You’ve got to try.
*Lately = the last 3 years.
Our aunt, Bharti Masi, passed away last month, almost by choice. My darling
sister, a little rattled by all of […]
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8 months ago
"Music is for everyone and only you!" Been a while since we read a Menon! *high five*
November 27, 2009 at 10:47 AM
who is he??am jus curious....
November 27, 2009 at 7:16 PM
That album is the one thing I have done in my life I have no disclaimers, regret or will to change. Chill about the bumming man. It don't matter.
Unless you weren't talking about me at all.
That'd be awkward.
November 27, 2009 at 8:29 PM
you finally got down to blogging again! yay. took you long enough.
another example of unlikely musicians? right here in Pune, there's a local band of doctors, who meet every weekend to practice and they perform for charities and stuff. can't remember what they're called though.
Harry, you're too funny man. that last statement reminded me of "then i slapped her. no i did not. because she's not here!"
haha. i'm cracking up again just thinking about it. ask Tejas (even though he wasn't there when it happened) what i'm talking about, if you can't remember. haha.
November 27, 2009 at 10:38 PM